Pancakes flew across the Commons May 9 as the Five Star Freshmen celebrated with the Pancake Man. Laughter boomed as teachers watched their students celebrate their hard work from the 2023-2024 school year.
The Pancake Man was founded by Jim Kuper in 1986. The Pancake Man started serving fresh hot pancakes for school fundraising, clubs and local businesses. For this event, the Pancake Man helped celebrate this year’s Five Star Freshman.
“Part of our mission in Freshman Academy is to build community. Because of this, I knew I wanted all of our Five-Star Freshman to gather to enjoy a meal together at the end of the year,” said Freshman academy leader Maggie Heuerman.
The preparation for the event included funding, pricing, and deciding how to supply breakfast items. Heuerman eventually chose The Pancake Man to supply breakfast to the Five Star Freshman.
“The most fun part was that he would flip them to you, and you would have to catch them on your plate. It was very interactive,” said Aiden Knauss, 9.
The Five Star Freshmen are chosen based on their ability to live up to the school’s motto to “Learn, Lead, and Succeed.”
“Some students were selected for demonstrating consistent excellence while some students were selected for showing growth and improvement,” said Heuerman.
The end of the year party was a reward for all the hardworking freshmen who were deemed deserving by their own teachers.
“I enjoyed hanging out with my friends. I appreciated clapping for my fellow classmates, but my favorite part was catching pancakes,” said Ryan Balk, 9.