At Westview, many activities exist for students to have fun and build community. For freshmen, one of the options that they have are tailgates.
These tailgates, which are hosted by Westview’s Freshman Academy, take place before sports games. This year, there was a tailgate before the first football game and one before the basketball game against Buena Vista.
In a survey taken by 80 freshmen, about 40% of those students have been to a tailgate.
“I chose to go to the tailgate because it was a team competition… I also just thought it was fun because I was going to the [football] game anyways,” said Xonya Jones, 9.
Jones went to the tailgate in the fall before the football game.
At the tailgates, there are multiple activities available for students to partake in such as games and raffle ticket drawings. These activities are either chosen by a staff member involved in the process, or an outside group that may be helping with the tailgate. Students also have the opportunity to get a free pop and popcorn.
“We just try and come up with different fun things,” said Freshman Academy lead Maggie Heuerman.
Heuerman is one of the staff members who helps organize these tailgates.
Games aren’t the only reasons why students may go to the tailgates.
There is also a competition connected with the tailgates. Whichever freshman team — Orange, Blue, or Black— has the most attendance of students, that team is awarded with a point. The team with the most points by the end of the year gets a party.
In the same survey as above, students shared what their favorite parts of their tailgate experience was. Some students said that the prizes or hanging out with their friends was their favorite part of the tailgate. Others said that the free food and drink was their favorite part.
Out of the 32 students who said they attended a tailgate, they gave their tailgate experience an average rating of about 3.77 out of 5 stars.
“My favorite part of the tailgate was just being able to hang out with friends and play games before the [football] game started,” said Jones.
Students have also thought of ways that tailgates can improve such as having more activities, more food options, as well as being more organized.
“I would say maybe have more activities… maybe do more activities that more freshmen would like to participate in,” said Tessa Wilcox, 9.
Wilcox has been to both freshman tailgates this year.
Freshmen tailgates will continue to allow Westview freshmen to have fun and build community.